Now is the perfect time to let us assess your school percussion equipment in your own bandroom and write an estimate for repairs and replacements free of charge. Our repair rates are reasonable, we only use first quality replacement parts and drum heads, and we have a quick turnaround. For large district warehouse inventory, please call us for a quote at 510-612-5527 or email us.
Educators... Need to update your percussion equipment? Ask us for our helpful inventory check-off list of "must have" items. We'll email or snail-mail a copy to your elementary, middle school, or senior high school free for the asking.
Are you in the East Bay and need sheet music? We distribute all of your favorite titles from your favorite publishers and a sizable discount! Ask us about free delivery for methods and music selections for concert band, orchestra, marching band, jazz ensemble, and choir.
We are the Pearl/Adams Percussion Bay Area service center!
From this...
to THIS!
Rewire & Realign Chime Tubes We replace old worn out shoe laces, gut, yarn, hair scrunchies, rubber bands, and whatever else is holding your expensive chimes on the rack, with specialized ultra-strong galvanized aircraft cable (94 lbs. breaking strength!). We also align each tube to be at the same height making playing easier, accurate, and consistent. Check out the "before and after" photos below.
Sure beats a rubber band!
Protect your valuable percussion instruments. Ask us how.
Snare and Tom "Batter" Head Change Our service includes lubrication of all lug casings, cleaning & lubrication of bearing edge, and tuning. We only use first quality drum heads. Snare Side Head Change Our service includes lubrication of all lug casings, cleaning & lubrication of bearing edge, and tuning. The snare side head refers to the "underside" of the snare drum.
Snare Wire Replacement We replace the snare wires as well as new cords or ties. Tune and tension. We feature American-made Puresound snare wires, and wires from Pearl. Bass Drum Head Change Our service includes lubrication of all lug casings, cleaning & lubrication of bearing edge, and tuning. Snare Strainer Replacement Detach snare wires, remove drum head, remove old strainer, install new strainer, re-attach snare wires, cord, and drum head. Retune drum. We have exact replacements for most manufacturers including: Ludwig, Pearl, Yamaha, Sonor, CB, Remo, and Tama. Timpani Head Change Our service includes lubrication of all lugs, cleaning & lubrication of bearing edge, and tuning. No need to move your bulky equipment...we'll repair your kettles on site! We repack pedal tension mechanisms as well as remove dents on estimate. We only use first rate professional heads from Remo, Evans, Ludwig, Pearl, and Adams.
® 1999-2025 Nasatir School of Percussion. All Rights Reserved