More than half of U.S. households (52%) has at least one person, age 5 or older, who currently plays a musical instrument
85% of Americans believe that music is a very important part of their life
82% of Americans wish they had learned to play a musical instrument, and 67% expressed an interest in learning to play
94% of respondents believe music is part of a well-rounded education, and that schools should offer instrument music instruction as part of the regular curriculum
85% believe participation in school music corresponds with better grades and higher test scores
Seniors are turning to music making as not just an enjoyable pastime, but also for the health and wellness benefits such as enhanced immune systems, stress reduction, and staving off depression and loneliness
• Am I too old to learn drums?
Absolutely not. Adults, while busy with life, can and do find time to relax and learn percussion. We often hear from folks who say:" I used to play drums in school...I wish I'd kept it up". Well... now is as good a time as ever to get back with it, or start a new activity. You'll find that your concentration and focus is better than it was when you were a kid, and... it's a great way to combat arthritis! • How young should someone be to take percussion lessons?
We like the young student to have some reading skills. Generally seven or eight year olds do well. There is study after study showing that learning a musical instrument increases one's ability to read. According to the Center for Arts Education Research at Columbia University, students involved in high arts schools display more innovative approaches to solving problems, worked better with peers and teachers, and have higher self-concept in reading, math, and general academics. • Isn't playing drums a loud activity?
Yes it is.That's why we feel one should practice on a practice pad instead of the drums. 1. it is quieter. 2. it can be argued that one's technique develops better (there is no resonance and you can hear all of your mistakes). 3. In the long run, playing on pads saves the ears of the drummer as well as the nerves of family members and neighbors.
• How long will it take?
If you are asking "when will I be able to record a Grammy award winning CD?"...We don't know. But if you are asking "how long will it take to learn enough to play music with some friends?"... our lessons are designed to get you up and running (on a drumset for instance) in about 3-6 weeks with some basic rhythms and grooves. Naturally, the more you practice, the more you improve. It is not uncommon to see motivated students "jamming" with guitar and keyboard players in six months to a year. • Do I Need An Instrument?
If you are studying drums, the simple answer is NO. You will, however, need an inexpensive practice pad and a pair of sticks which we can provide at your first lesson. Eventually, though, you will need an instrument. This can be a stand alone snare drum or a full drum set. If you are studying mallet percussion, you will be fine for a while if you already own a piano or keyboard. If you own neither, you will need a small xylophone (wooden bars) or a set of orchestra bells (metal bars). If you are studying hand percussion, you will need an instrument on which to play and practice, or an E-pad (a specialty practice pad for hand drums that we carry and really like). The good news is that an instrument doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg (although it can!).See us first as we can advise you on makes, models, and prices for ALL percussion instruments and accessories. • Should I practice 30 minutes a day?
NO! We do, however, recommend you pick up the sticks everyday. Practicing everyday for any amount of time will do you more good in the long run, than watching the clock for 30 minutes. Practice in a room where you can't see a clock. Some days you'll practice for 15 minutes...other days you'll come out of the session 2 hours later!
• Do I have to read music to play an instrument?
No...but it sure saves time and money. Music is a language. Learning a language by rote can be done, but is repetitive, boring, without depth, and slow. We can explain the basics of reading music in the first two lessons. It's really not that hard.
• Will lessons spoil my natural musical ability?
Lessons can refine your natural technique and take care of any bad habits you may have developed. Additionally, a few private lessons may help you learn a particular music style with which you may be experiencing difficulty.
• My daughter wants to play percussion...Isn't drumming a male activity?
• Where can I find more answers to my percussion questions?
We'd be happy to answer any music question you may have via email. Just e-mail us Make NSOP your internet percussion resource... bookmark us for future reference.
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